Sometimes I'm a bit to busy to click all the links people send me. They sit and fester in my inbox until I get an idle moment.
Recently, after a hard day's night at the computer, I thought I'd wind down by clearing some of the backlog.
One was a link to a .swf video file, and the email said, in its entirety, 'I refuse to be the only one that was made to watch this'.
Bear in mind my psychologically precarious 3am computered-out state, feeling tired and like my brain had been ironed flat. The video is for a generic be-mulleted American rock dude doing a song that was like America, Fuck Yeah! from Team America. Only it was serious.
Like the bastard that originally sent it to me, I to decided not to suffer alone and sent it out to half my address book.
One of them was my friend Kirk who got back to me with some with hard facts. The song is called America We Stand As One, and was written and sung by Star Trek stunt co-ordinator Dennis Madalone. There is a much better quality version of the video on the official website.
Even better, someone has set Team America's America, Fuck Yeah! to the video, with hilarious results. You can download the video, or check it out online.
Funny, frightening, depressing and surreal all at once. Fuck yeah!
A morning in court with the Heathrow defenders
9 years ago
I don't believe I was stupid enough to click the link for that video - what a way to start the weekend. Ameliorated somewhat by the remixed version, though!
i held out and didn't look at it for ages. and then did.
you're now in my bad books
(but in good books for the remix)
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